Monday, January 19, 2009

Weekend with My Gampa Scott and Gama linda (and a few other pictures)

Last weekend My Grandpa Scott and Grandma Linda came to town to see Me and My cousin B lane. We had so much fun, I had got so much bigger since gampa came to see me and It was his Firstes time meeting my cute cousin Braxton. I had so fun watching all the big grown ups play something called Wii. My daddy sure sweats alot!!! I got to pet a kitty which is soft and fun, I have a kitty of my own his name is Rex, and he is a SPAZZ! So I dont get to pet him, But Pretty soon I will get to pull his tail, and Chase Him. Also My Aunt Ashley Sent my Daddy a couple of pictures from Christmas of me so here they are!! (Good Job Daddy on keeping my Blog up to date Finally.)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Grandma Lucys 90th Birthday party and a few other pictures....(Gees Dad you Slacker!!)

Introducing My cousin Braxton Lane Beattie. "B lane"

I know my dad is about 4 months late posting this.......But this is my Cousin Braxton. He is my buddy. We have alot of fun together and we WILL have alot of fun in the years to come.These Pictures are from when he was born and our first photo shoot together. "I love you B Lane...... and keep an eye on your cupcakes!!!"

Here are some more Pics.

These are from my First Thanksgiving and also When I met my Grandpa Scott and his wife Linder (Linda).
Also my mommy and daddy went to My friend Ruth's house for the Sugar Bowl (That was a loud night) and here are some pictures of me and Ruth playing.